
After graduating university, I entered a young Hungarian farmer contest. I wanted so badly to win but understood that my skills at animal husbandry would have to prevail. I am grateful that the contest judges awarded me champion! I am sure my previous experience working on my Grandfather’s herd of 10 mangalicas held in his garden helped. In 2012 I was able to purchase 20 mangalica sows for my own. When they eventually arrived, and to my surprise, half of them were pregnant, so a short week later I owned 50 pigs! There was never a spare moment. Several of the piglets required breast feeding by hand to survive. Today we have more than 40 sows in stock and a total of 350 mangalicas. Taking excellent care of these animals is our number 1 priority and we will never relax our work ethic. In return, they are healthy and happy creatures.